Whitney Simmons In Workout Gear Shows Back and Biceps Routine

Fitness influencer Whitney Simmons is sharing her go-to back and biceps workout with fans and social media followers. Simmons, 31, shared pictures and video of herself wearing leggings and a sports bra, using dumbbells and a cable crossover machine. "🔥LETS PULL IT 🥵 back + biceps coming at you straight from @thealiveapp 💦" she captioned the post. "Yesss, let's get it, girl! This workout lineup is fire 🔥," commented Alexia Clark. Here's how the trainer stays fit and focused.
Weight Training
Simmons says weight training changed her life—but beginners need a plan. "When I started going to the gym, it was such an intimidating place to be, especially for a beginner," she told Life & Style. "Go into the gym with a plan, and start with something that's dumbbells only… and take those dumbbells to a place in the gym where you feel more comfortable, and you can start weight training at home as well. Buying a pair of dumbbells and doing a dumbbell-only workout at home or in a safe spot in the gym, whether that's a classroom or just a corner, is an amazing way to get into it and is less intimidating."
Mental and Physical Happiness
Simmons is proud of her success, which is the result of years of hard work and sacrifice. "I have been sincerely shocked by the impact that I have made on women across the world," she told Forbes. "We've built this amazing community that is full of inspiration chasing after the same goal of finding physical and mental happiness."
Living With Psoriasis
Simmons has psoriasis, which she no longer tries to cover up. "The more severe it got, the more I wanted to cover it," she told Women's Health. "I have so many women in my DMs who say, 'I used to cover every inch of my body at the gym, and now I just don't care. I am going to wear the shorts.'"
Gymshark Line
Simmons has a line with Gymshark, inspired by her own approach to style. "My favorite thing to do is just pop on leggings with a pair of white sneakers," she told Life & Style. "I love my white sneakers, it's an unhealthy obsession. I love investing in staple pieces that I can have in my closet for several seasons because they don't ever go out of style. So I wanted to create a range that was going to be a lot of staples, always going to be something that you can go to for several years to come."
Back and Biceps Workout
Here is that back and biceps workout from Simmons in full:
1️⃣ 3×10 single arm bent over row
2️⃣ 3×8 incline bicep curls
3️⃣ 3×10 cable straight arm pulldown
superset 4️⃣ 10 cable hammer curls
5️⃣ 3×10 lat pulldown