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WWE Star Maxxine Dupri Shows Off Amazing Body in New "Dress Code" Photo

From her fun-loving attitude to her focus on kindness, she's a force to be reckoned with in and out of the ring.

Maxxine Dupri is a star in the WWE. She currently performs with their Raw brand, and is a member of Alpha Academy. Dupri previously performed with NXT. She recently shared a set of photos on Instagram of herself by the pool. In them, she wore a pink swimsuit. Dupri captioned the post, "Dress code: đź‘™"


​She Has Fun

Dupri shared her career and wellness secrets in an interview with the Wellness Her Way podcast. In it, she shared her advice for other aspiring wrestlers. "A piece of advice I got before going into it, that I would give to anyone really auditioning for anything is to let them see you have fun," Dupri said. "No one wants to hire someone that's not going to enjoy themselves. You're about to work with these people nonstop. Let them see you smile. That's such a good tip, and enjoy yourself and have fun. And I just think when you show that side of yourself and you show that energy, it makes them want to work with you and want to see you thrive."


She Doesn't Pressure Herself​

When it comes to wellness, Dupri doesn't believe in pressuring herself. "I'm naturally a binge eater," she said on her Wellness Her Way interview. "That's just kind of how I've been throughout my life. And so, when I was focused on appearance per week, it was like, okay, 'I have to look so good.' Then after the game, I can eat and do whatever I want, but it's not healthy to yoyo back the other way…And now, don't get me wrong, I have something sweet every single day. But I try to not have something with refined sugar in it. I try to have something that my body can process and use for energy at some point, and I feel like that shift has helped me a lot. And I think I used to just be scared of, 'I don't want to put on too much muscle', or 'I don't want to do this', or 'I don't want to do that word now.' It's crazy when I've taken that out of my brain, and I'm just focusing on getting stronger, and staying lean by doing things like Pilates and eating high protein, the results are so much better."


She Doesn't Care What Others Think​

A note in envelope with text I DON'T CARE.


Dupri said on the Wellness Her Way podcast that she has learned to not care what others think of her. "It's so easy to get sucked into overthinking every little thing and trying to dissect how to get to the next level, when really, I couldn't have planned how my fate worked out," she said. "It just happened and I was what they needed at that time. Even though I was injured, they were able to call me up, which is rare, but if it's meant for you, it's meant for you, and it's not going to happen to you. Trusting the process is one. Second one, which is what I'm really working on now, so I'm more saying this for myself, is not putting so much value on other people's opinions of you and remembering what I was placed here to do. My job is to make people smile and enjoy what I'm doing and continue to get better. I can't place so much value on what other people think of me all the time."


​She Promotes Kindness

Dupri is all about kindness, especially on social media. She talked about this in her Wellness Your Way interview. "What I've started doing is not scrolling as much. I used to scroll a lot, scroll through comments, and see what people were saying. Why do I need to? I don't need to. If there is something I need to see, I'll see it at some point. for it. For two, something that I like to practice and I hope everyone else can practice, just comment kind things on people's posts. If I see something I like, I comment something kind. Let me contribute kindness to someone else's post, and eventually, that will all circle back."


​She Learns From Others

In an interview with WrestleZone, Dupri talked about her training process. "I think for me right now, I'm being trained by two incredible amateur wrestlers. I'm going to use all of those tools to the best of my ability and I think as we continue my training I think we'll learn some more submissions, some more suplexes and just become more and more dangerous every time I enter the ring."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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