Natacha Océane in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares "Mobility Workout"

Natacha Océane is a trainer who shares a lot of workouts on her Instagram. In December, she shared a mobility workout. Océane captioned the post, "A fresh full body mobility flow to keep our range of motion and movement quality feeling *chef's kiss* 👩🍳🪄 Take 5-10 minutes for mobility just once or twice a week and you'll notice joint range and overall stabilisation go way up!" How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Natacha Océane stays in shape and the photos that prove they work.
She Does Pull-Ups
Océane shared some of her secrets to doing good pull-ups in the caption of this Instagram post. "If you can already do 1-2 pull-ups but want more + more + more, muscular endurance becomes more important 😇 I have two fave tricks that I use to build mine: 1) go for [1x set to failure] then dropset through the progressions BACKWARDS to failure, so 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (not all, just as many as you can) 2) go for [1x set to failure] then add 5 extra reps one at a time, each time taking the minimum amount of rest to add that next rep. The goal is to reduce those rest times with practice."
She Does Pistol Squats
Océane likes to do pistol squats to stay in shape. She shared her secrets for improving them in this Instagram post. Océane captioned the post, "Whichever progression you're trying out, remember to keep that non-working leg straight and move slowly without bouncing out of the squat. Control is the key! Go get that pistol progress!"
She's In Her Comfort Zone
When it comes to working out, Océane makes sure to tailor her exercises to where she's comfortable. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing new workouts. Océane captioned the post, "Obbbbvviousslyyyy always be careful and take small steps with new movements!! I picked moves just on a tiny step outside of what I'm already comfortable with 🤍 This is just a reminder that happy movement is great movement, it doesn't have to all be perfectly calculated 🫧"
She Works Her Upper Body
Océane shared her favorite upper-body workouts in this Instagram post. She captioned it, "Friends don't let friends skip upper body day! 👯♀️😘 Let's keep building the well-rounded, badass version of you ❤️🔥We're working some shoulders 🪨, back 🦋, core and a sprinkling of arms and chest 🤝 Two of these feature easier alternatives so you can find your perfect level for right now; practice is the only thing standing between you + the harder versions!"
She Does Mobility Workouts
As you can see from her Instagram post, Océane likes to do mobility workouts. And she makes sure to work her entire body. Océane shared her favorite full-body mobility workout in this Instagram post. She captioned it, "A full body mobility routine to improve your movement form and increase range of motion! 🍬🍬 Even just a ✨sprinkle✨ of mobility can really help unlock the next level of movement!"