Buffy Star Sarah Michelle Gellar Shares Swimsuit "Photo Dump"

Sarah Michelle Gellar closed out 2023 in her swimsuit. In a recent post the Buffy the Vampire Slayer star shows off her flawless figure at 46 in a variety of swimsuits while enjoying a much-needed vacation. "If I've left you unread…. Here is why. Vacation photo dump part one," she captioned the series of Instagram snaps, driving her followers wild. "Still slaying in 2024," commented one of them. "Goddess," added another. How does the star maintain her amazing body? Celebwell rounded up her top health habits.
Outdoor Activities
Sarah's favorite outdoor activities include "swimming, hiking, anything like that is great." You can also find her paddle boarding when she is on vacation. "Taking a selfie on paddle board is not easy," she captioned a vacation snap in 2023. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) agrees that paddle boarding is great for the core and also a great form of cardio. It can burn an average of 385 calories for a 140 pound male and 436 for a female the same size, per a study conducted by Arizona State University.
Green Juice
Sarah is all about drinking her nutrients. "My favorite thing is to have a green juice," she told The/Thirty. "I go every weekend to the farmers market and I get fresh kale, spinach, celery, and lettuces and I blend it all together. That's my favorite thing before I work out."
Eating "Fresh, Organic, and Local" Food
Sarah likes "to eat fresh, organic and local," she told Self. "People think it's so expensive to eat like that, but there are ways to do it so it's not as pricey. We shop at Whole Foods, but we ask which fish is on sale. On sale doesn't mean it's bad! It probably just means it's overcaught. And I clip coupons all the time. Why should you pay more for something that someone else is paying less for?"
"Sometimes, I'm so tired at the end of the day I just want to go to bed, but I have to take time for myself to take a bath," she told Bustle. Sarah's one "beauty/self-care must-have" doesn't cost a cent. "It's probably sleep because I need it and I'm very cranky without it," she told Health. Why are baths a great (and free) self-care ritual? They have been linked to better sleep and even found helpful to minimize anxiety and depression. One recent study even found that they may even boast cardiovascular benefits.
Power Plate Workouts

"I love PlateFit and the feeling of being on a Power Plate," Gellar revealed. "I love how quickly I can work out and get such a great exercise." Another one of her workouts? "I love Pilates because it centers me and it also strengthens my body."
Sarah also revealed to Bustle that she enjoys reading. On her recent vacation she shared a photo of the book she was reading, The New Couple in 5B. One Harvard study published in Social Science & Medicine found that people who read books regularly had a 20% lower risk of dying over the next 12 years compared with people who weren't readers or who read periodicals.