Carrie Underwood in Workout Gear Lifts Weights and Connects With Fans

Carrie Underwood is encouraging fans and social media followers to share their fitness and wellness stories with her in response to her New York Times bestselling book. Underwood, 40, shared a great picture of herself wearing patterned leggings and a gray tank top, weight training at the gym. "I love hearing your fitness and wellness stories you guys continue to share in response to my first book, FIND YOUR PATH, and reading about your journeys to finding your own path. We got this! 💪🏻," she captioned the post. Here's what Underwood's training routine looks like, according to the singer and her trainer.
Active Lifestyle

Underwood has made wellness an everyday part of her lifestyle—it's more than just going to the gym. "Health and fitness is not just a thing I do, it's a part of my life," she told Shop TODAY. "And I feel like there are so many things that hinge on me taking care of myself. "I always tell people, if you don't work out or you've never worked out, going for a walk is a great way to get moving. My kids are very active, they love to play outside. So, if they are already playing outside, and I'm around, instead of sitting on a bench, watching them play, it's easy to walk around the area that they're playing in. Or, you can do some step-ups or dips on a bench."
Resistance Bands

Underwood usually travels with resistance bands in her suitcase to fit a workout in anywhere," she told Shop TODAY. "Those things are just easy to have in your suitcase, and it's saved me on many occasions. If you do find yourself in a space that doesn't have the best gym or it's super crowded, I could just stay in my room and feel like I got a good workout in."
Leg Workouts
Underwood's trainer Eve Overland says the singer gives 100 percent to every workout. Overland puts Underwood through deadlifts, rows and presses, and squats. "To have legs like Carrie, be consistent and if you don't love lifting then we got to take it back," she told E! News. "What can you do sustainably? Set attainable goals. If you can only work out twice a week, great. Do it. Anything is better than nothing. Go for a walk. If that's all you can get in the day, that means everything. Whatever your body has to offer and whatever time you have, just get it in and your body will thank you. Find something that you like to do and stick with it."
Face Oils

Underwood loves using face oils in lieu of a whole skincare routine. "I'm terrible at regimens and stuff like that," she told Shop TODAY. "Every once in a while, like once a year I maybe get to go get a facial or consult somebody and I'm like, 'what is the least amount of things that I can do?' But I also can't carry a bunch of junk around with me, there's just no room for it in my bag."
Running For Headspace
Underwood always goes for a run after her workouts to clear her head—although weight training is one of the most important parts of her workouts. "She also needs to think about preparing herself to perform," Overland told E! News. "So jogging, it's waking up her lungs and opening up her airwaves to say, 'Hey lungs, you gotta work later!'"