Influencer Pia Shah In Workout Gear Shares "Taiwan Leftovers"

Influencer and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Pia Shah knows how useful workout gear can be, even when you aren't technically working out (but definitely feeling the sweat!). Shah shared highlights from a recent trip to Taiwan, including some pictures of herself posing in sneakers, gray shorts, and a matching crop top. "Taiwan leftovers🍜 p.s. basketball shorts in this humidity were 100% necessary — from @younglaforher," she captioned the post. Here's how Shah stays healthy, happy, and fit.
Balanced Diet
Shah enjoys a balanced diet with plenty of good carbs, including bread. "The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that at least half of all the grains you eat are whole grains," says the Mayo Clinic. "Most people in the United States don't eat enough whole grains."
Authentic Life
Shah doesn't want to be misunderstood from her social media content. "I feel like I'm pretty much an open book on my platform, or at least I try to be," she told Mood For Thought. "However, I do think I've been mistaken for someone who is materialistic and while I enjoy nice things, they're just things. I find my happiness in the people that surround me (my family, friends, etc) and in my faith. In person, I'm actually very chill & laid back."
Coffee Date
Shah relies on coffee to give her a boost throughout the day. "Both regular and decaf coffee seem to have a protective effect on your liver," says Johns Hopkins. "Research shows that coffee drinkers are more likely to have liver enzyme levels within a healthy range than people who don't drink coffee."
Influencer Inspiration

Shah says her parents are the most influential people in her life. "They're both first generation immigrants and two of the most loving, generous, and hard-working people I've had the privilege of knowing, let alone being raised by," she told Mood For Thought. "They're innately good people and I feel so lucky to have been surrounded by those core values my entire life. They've afforded me so many opportunities and I feel a responsibility to work hard because, unlike them, I was fortunate enough to have been given all the tools."
Power of Social Media
Shah is proud of her success as an influencer. I think social media is one of, if not, the most powerful tool of our generation," she told Mood For Thought. "I think the most common misconception is that social media isn't a 'real' job or that it's easy money; if anything, it's the exact opposite. I think it's hard for people who use social media solely as a means of leisure to conceptualize how others are able to monetize it, so they choose to devalue its impact on society, but that narrative is a time of the past. If you still don't get it, then that's okay, but don't hate on something just because you're unable to make something bigger out of it."