1. She Works Out To Feel Better
Pineda shares a lot of her inspirational mantras and wellness approaches on her Instagram. In this video of herself working out, she revealed some of her approaches to fitness. One thing she talks about is the reasons she has for working out. For Pineda, working out is about feeling better about herself. “Stop battling a reflection in the mirror. Instead, battling your training log/training program. Make is less about getting rid of things you don’t like and more about improving your body’s physical abilities and doing your best on any given day. Don’t focus on a dislike for how you look, focus on increasing your strength, stamina, and performance.”
2. She Doesn’t Let Bad Days Get Her Down
In the same post, Pineda wrote that she doesn’t let the rough days defeat her. “When bad days happen, accept them as part of the process and don’t get emotionally invested in them. Know they’re only temporary. Do what you can to make the next day better.”
3. She Doesn’t Compare Herself To Others
In the same video, Pineda encouraged her followers to focus on themselves, and not compare their fitness journey’s to others’. “This is your journey toward loving your body, and it may take you longer than others, or you may reach that goal very quickly. It doesn’t matter, so don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Take consistent action starting today to make that mantra your reality!”
4. She Finds Peace
For Pineda, one of her life goals is finding peace. She wrote in this Instagram post, “Peace remains a goal for introspective individuals around the world. The lifelong search for inner peace challenges us to learn more about ourselves while allowing us to evolve with the seasons. I hope the following quotes will inspire you to embark on your own journey at finding peace and love in your life.”
5. She’s An Ally
Pineda is an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. In her Pride Month post, Pineda encouraged support towards that community. She wrote, “Pride Month serves as a reminder that everyone should be equal no matter their sexuality or gender. We think of the strong and proud men, women, trans men, trans women, and non-binary people of the LGBTQIA community and how they inspire us in the continuing fight for greater equality and freedoms.”