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Alexis Ren in Bathing Suit Feels "Reflective"

Here’s how she stays fit.

Alexis Ren knows so much about fitness she started her own interactive platform devoted to it: We are Warriors. It works for her. The proof? She just shared a photo of her reflecting in a window, overlooking the iconic Hollywood sign, with her trim figure in a swimsuit as the reflection. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Alexis Ren stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


She Wants to Make an Impact

Alexis Ren/Instagram

Ren's We are Warriors was inspired by her mom. "The inspiration behind We Are Warriors was actually my mother because I saw how many people she affected throughout her life. And I always tell this story to this: I went to my mom's funeral and there were 200 people that I've never met. And each of them told me 'your mom changed my life so much'. This is impact. We think impact is numbers and reach and how many views and likes we can get, but that doesn't create the deeper, full effect connection. We want to leave a legacy because we want to be remembered at the end of the day," she told Glamour.


She Uses Tools to Stay Motivated

Steve Granitz/FilmMagic

"Meditation, journaling, dancing, walking, being in nature, they're all tools. So figure out what tools work for you. If meditation doesn't work for you, you're not broken. Maybe you're the type of person that needs movements to find stillness, it took me a while to figure that out. I need movement. Exercising is my meditation, dance is my affinity answer. Since I was five years old, dance is meditation," she told Glamour.


Exercise as Meditation Really Works

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Try a walk as well. "Find a quiet place 10 to 20 feet in length, and begin to walk slowly. Focus on the experience of walking, being aware of the sensations of standing and the subtle movements that keep your balance. When you reach the end of your path, turn and continue walking, maintaining awareness of your sensations," says the Mayo Clinic.


She Eats a Bit Before a Workout

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Ren might have a banana in the AM. "I don't want to be in fasting mode in a workout because then you're depleting your muscles," she says. "From a nutritional standpoint, not many foods measure up to the quality and quantity of nutrients packed inside a banana. A medium-sized banana provides about 105 calories with virtually no fat, cholesterol or sodium. They are an excellent source of potassium, a mineral important for regulating blood pressure, fluid balance, heart health plus good nerve and muscle function. A banana can help prevent muscle cramps after exercise. They also provide a good source of vitamins C and B6, as well as magnesium," says the Mayo Clinic.


This is How She Defines Spirituality

Steve Granitz/FilmMagic

"Spirituality is looking at something that society says is bad or a mistake. Like for instance, my mom passed away and I could look at that as a very negative thing. I could go down a very dark road, spirituality is knowing that life doesn't happen to me, it happens for me. And so anything that has happened to me is in favour of me becoming my best self. Always looking at that perspective and that's really hard; it's very easy to be angry and feel bad. It's hard to feel good. That's what I teach the girls (at We Are Warriors). It's very hard if it's, it was easy to feel good and not suffer. We'd all be doing it, but we all are kind of suffering," she told Glamour.

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