Alicia Keys in Bathing Suit Gets "Beauty Rest"

Alicia Keys lives a healthy lifestyle and it shows. Just check out her abs! The 15-time Grammy winner is all about balance and creating a schedule to help keep her life in order. The results are on display as she frolicked in her pool in a swimsuit and shared some footage. "Getting some beauty rest because next week it's OOON!" she captioned it. "Ya'll should DEFINITELY turn in your post notification." How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Alicia Keys stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
No Dairy

The singer told Elle UK she stopped eating dairy to help have a glowing complexion, but experts say it also helps shed pounds. Bishnu Pada Das, A certified personal trainer with the Crazy Athlete shares, "When we're trying to lose weight, our primary goal is to take a calorie deficit diet. This means we don't want to consume any high-calorie food that easily fill-up our targeted calorie intake. The dairy products like milk, plain yogurt, and other unsweetened dairy products contain lactose, a natural sugar, while other dairy products may contain added sugar. After the macro breakdown, the overall calories of these dairy products are gone slightly high. So, if you're trying to lose stubborn belly fat, eliminating dairy or sugar can really speed up your progress."
She Hydrates

Keys also told Elle UK, she drinks plenty of water to help maintain her beautiful skin and Alan Morton, a trainer with Train Fitness explains, "We are 2/3rds water. Water is needed for us to function in any way. Even a reduction of 2% water can start having dramatic effects on the body's ability to function optimally. 10 % loss can be fatal. It therefore is of utmost importance if you want to have a healthy fat burning optimized body then it has to stay hydrated. The Eatwell guide recommends drinking little and often is the best way to stay hydrated. You should aim for 6-8 glasses of water and other liquids each day to replace normal water loss – around 1.2 to 1.5 litres. Water, lower fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count."
She Medicates Regularly

She told People she meditates for 10 minutes a day and Matt Gehlbach, a certified ISSA and NASM personal trainer with says, "Meditation is important because it allows us to connect with our Inner selves. When we meditate, we are able to silence the chatter of our minds and connect with our innermost thoughts and feelings. This can be incredibly calming and grounding, and can help us to become more aware of our own thoughts and emotions. Meditation can also help us to develop a sense of focus and concentration, which can be useful in all aspects of life. And finally, meditation can help us to find peace within ourselves, even in the midst of chaos."
She Does Strength Training

In a YouTube video Keys posted doing a Zoom workout session with her trainer Jeanette Jenkins, the singer was praised for doing everything from yoga to strength-training. Allison Sizemore, a Certified Sports Nutritionist and Online Fitness Coach says. "Strength training is without a doubt, the best thing a person can do to stay in shape long-term. Not only does strength training build metabolically active muscle tissue (which allows you to lose weight eating MORE calories than you would be able to without incorporating strength training) it is also great for your bones and injury prevention."
She Runs Marathons

The mom of two also runs to stay in shape and has run marathons in the past. Megan Kaye, fitness director of Fredericksburg Fitness Studio says, "Running helps you to lose weight as it allows you to burn a lot of calories since so many different muscles have to work together during your run. It can be incorporated in many ways, from intervals to long runs of 10 miles to running hills. I would recommend running 3-4 days a week to really see results. Combined with strength training on the days you take off from running, you can promote and maintain weight loss."
She Gives Herself Grace

She told People, "For me, I'll get up just 10 minutes earlier… Maybe I just do a stream of consciousness in my journal, or a 10-minute meditation, or a 10-minute ab workout. Whatever that thing is, I find that doing something is always better than nothing, and I just give myself grace," she explains.