Reality star Amélie Neten decided to post some stunning new photos on Instagram. In them, she broke out her new swimwear and showed off her figure. Neten posed in the ocean wearing a zebra print bathing suit. She captioned the post, “Il y a un moment que je m’interdisais de poster des photos de moi en maillot de bain ou même de simple photos de moi ! En effet, j’avais un problème avec mon corps. Oui les ami(e)s, j’ai 36 ans je ne suis plus la même qu’à 20 ans ! Je suis maman et mon corps a changé… on ne s’en rend pas compte au départ mais plus les années passent et plus il est difficile de s’accepter car nos petits défauts prennent le dessus. Aujourd’hui j’ai compris que personne n’est parfait et qu’il faut s’accepter tel que l’on est ! Alors oui j’ai sauté le pas et j’ai décidé de poster cette photo… Nous sommes tous beaux et la réalité n’est pas la perfection ! Aimez vous, aimons nous !” (Rough translation: “For a while now, I forbade myself from posting photos of me in a swimsuit or even simple photos of myself! Indeed, I had a problem with my body. Yes friends, I'm 36 years old, I'm not the same as I was at 20! I'm a mom and my body has changed... we don't realize it at first, but the more the years pass, the more difficult it is to accept ourselves because our little flaws take over. Today I understood that no one is perfect and that you have to accept yourself as you are! So yes I took the plunge and decided to post this photo… We are all beautiful and the reality is not perfection! Love you, love us!”) How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Amelie Neten stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
1. She’s Confident In Herself
In her most recent Instagram post, Neten opened up about her journey towards self acceptance. She reveals that she is a lot more comfortable with herself than she has been in the past. “For a while now, I forbade myself from posting photos of me in a swimsuit or even simple photos of myself! Indeed, I had a problem with my body. Yes friends, I am 36 years old I am not the same as at 20! I'm a mom and my body has changed... we don't realize it at first, but the more the years pass, the more difficult it is to accept ourselves because our little flaws take over. Today I understood that no one is perfect and that you have to accept yourself as you are! So yes I took the plunge and decided to post this photo.”
2. She Swims
Neten loves to spend time by the water. She loves to go to the pool and beach, and her Instagram is full of photos of herself by the water. She posted this photo of herself and her son playing in a pool. She captioned the post, “Souvenir.”
3. She Has Strong Faith
Neten has very strong faith. In this Instagram photo’s caption, Neten opened up about how important her faith is to her. “It is important not to be discouraged by bad language and not pay attention to them. The only one who can judge our worth is god.”
4. She Loves Dogs
“Ma fille d’amour ❤️ #lily #bouledoguefrancais #love #labelle,” she captioned a photo of her dog. “Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. The unconditional love of a pet can do more than keep you company. Pets may also decrease stress, improve heart health, and even help children with their emotional and social skills,” says the NIH. “Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.”
5. She Enjoys Winter
“Pour débuter la journée de noël, super balade avec les chiens de traîneaux ! 🛷 une expérience magnifique que nous ne sommes pas prêt d’oublier ! Et vous les ami(e)s vous passez un bon noël ? Joyeux noël à tous ! 🎅🏻🎁❄❤ #kuusamo #ruka #laponie,” she once wrote. (Rough translation: “To start the day of Christmas, great ride with the sled dogs! 🛷 a magnificent experience that we are not ready to forget! And you friends are you having a good Christmas? Merry Christmas to everyone ! 🎅🏻🎁❄❤ #kuusamo #ruka #laponia.”