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Ananya Panday in Bathing Suit Says "Peace"

Here’s how she stays so fit.

Ananya Panday, the Bollywood superstar, is wearing a bathing suit top and looking calm during a photoshoot. "Never without my" and she flashed a peace sign, she captioned the photo she shared. Panday always looks so toned and fit. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 7 ways 5 stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


She Loves Yoga

Ananya Panday/Instagram

Ananya posted a photo of herself doing a yoga inversion. "My favourite morning ritual 🧿🦋❤️🧘🏻‍♀️ the world is truly better upside down 😝 @anshukayoga @rysapanday," she captioned it. " There exists an indisputable connection between a person's overall physical and mental health and the inner peace and well-being yoga is designed to achieve. Yoga suspends the fluctuations of the mind and by acting consciously, we live better and suffer less," says one study. "Health care professionals, health educators and the like, need to be aware of the potential of yoga as an important component of a personal wellness plan."


She Dances

Ananya just shared a video of her dancing. "Hooked to this step and the vibe of this song! As they say – #JugJuggJeeyo to the team and all our love for the film from Team Liger ❤️ #ThePunjaabbanSong," she captioned it. "If you're at risk for cardiovascular disease – start dancing. More research has shown that people with heart failure who started waltzing not only improved their heart health and breathing, but they also saw overall improvement in their quality of life. Additionally, these improvements were significantly greater than those with heart failure who cycled, or walked on a treadmill," says the Y.


She Eats Green Veggies

Prodip Guha/Getty Images

"Sweet potatoes, carrots, red and green peppers, kale, spinach, and broccoli all contain the antioxidant carotene. Try to choose red, orange, deep yellow and dark green leafy vegetables every day," says the Mayo Clinic. "Cruciferous veggies taste great on their own. There's nothing like fresh arugula from the garden. The sweet, spicy crunch of a pure, translucent slice of radish or kohlrabi is like nothing else," says the Cleveland Clinic.


She Indulges Once in a While

Ananya posed with a cheeseburger recently. "Never getting over Nevada 🤠🥹 throwback to the best time shooting for Liger ," she captioned it. "Allow yourself an indulgence every now and then. A candy bar or handful of potato chips won't derail your heart-healthy diet. But don't let it turn into an excuse for giving up on your healthy-eating plan. If overindulgence is the exception, rather than the rule, you'll balance things out over the long term. What's important is that you eat healthy foods most of the time," says the Mayo Clinic.


She Likes a Bold Brow

MONEY SHARMA/AFP via Getty Images

Bold brows are very "in" now and Ananya is on trend. One study found stress can inhibit hair growth and another study found olive oil may stimulate hair growth. And stay active. "Participating in sports and other physical activities — particularly those that don't emphasize a particular weight or body shape — can help promote good self-esteem and a positive body image," says the Mayo Clinic.

Jeremy Horowitz
Jeremy Horowitz is a veteran health and wellness journalist. Read more
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