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Anna Vakili in Bathing Suit Says "Get Me Back in the Sun"

No grueling gym sessions for this influencer. 

Love Island star Anna Vakili is already missing the sunshine in Dubai, UAE. Vakili shared pictures of herself posing next to a pool in a patterned bikini with brown buckles, her hair down over her shoulders. "Get me back in the sun 😣," she captioned the post. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Vakili stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


Lots of Protein

Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

Vakili enjoys a protein-filled meal plan, saving her heavier meals for the evening. "For breakfast I'll have two or three scrambled eggs with spinach," she says. "During the day I'll have a coffee with either a Kellogg's cereal bar or some corn rice cakes. I tend to have a bigger meal in the evening, something like baked chicken or lamb mince with vegetables."


No Gym Sessions

Ian West/PA Wire

Vakili prefers staying active to scheduled workouts, saying she is the only influencer she knows who doesn't go to the gym. "I don't have a vigorous work out regime at all – I need to be stricter really for health reasons," she says. "I didn't work out at all before going on the show. While I was in Majorca during lockdown was the only time I really thought 'maybe I should be a bit healthier.'"


Natural Look

Phil Lewis/Getty Images

Vakili says she has stopped using so many cosmetic enhancements on her face, embracing a more natural look. "All these things I've stopped," she says. "My face is going a lot more back to how it naturally looked. Sometimes I look back at old photos and videos and think 'Wow. I was so over the top.' I think for me I've gone a lot more towards the natural look, but lip fillers for me are the one thing I can't resist, because I think it suits my face to have bigger lips, but I won't go overboard like I used to."


Working On Her Confidence

Dave Benett/Getty Images

Vakili says her avoidance of unhealthy foods is to feel better, not to lose weight. "Every single night before I go to bed I say from tomorrow I am going to be healthy and not eat those unhealthy foods," she says. "It's so hard and sometimes it feels so depressing. I want to make it clear that I'm not fat. What is fat? I don't want girls to read this, and think, 'oh if she thinks she's fat, then I'm obese.' That's ridiculous! It's about how you feel confidently."


Hangover Cure

Vakili's hangover cure is a traditional British meal. "I need to eat a lot to soak up all the alcohol," she says. "I usually have a full English with sausages, fried eggs, baked beans – the works. Normally, my hangovers last the whole day, so I'll have a Nando's for dinner as well."

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more
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