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Arianna Grace in Bathing Suit Says "Manifest Only the Best"

Here’s how she stays so fit.

Arianna Grace, also known as Bianca Carelli, is manifesting in her swimsuit. The WWE Next Superstar shows off her incredible figure in a bathing suit in one of her latest social media posts. "Manifest only the best 💕 I'm working on saying positive things out loud and visualizing my dreams as they turn into reality 🌈 Life is good and I'm so grateful 🙏🏼 Just one week shy of 4 months post-op ACL. Feeling great and getting stronger everyday!" she captioned the Instagram photo. "Wishing everyone an amazing weekend, count your blessings!" How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 6 ways Arianna Grace stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


She Trains Hard

"You got to be prepared for a physical element. So you need to make sure you are in good athletic shape and ring shape. Because you're doing exercises like sit-ups and push-ups, burpees, running, and lifting," Bianca said during a chat with Sportskeeda Wrestling's Riju Dasgupta. "So you need to make sure that your body is trained. And then you're doing stuff in the ring – running the ropes, doing different drills. Having a match was one of the components of my tryout. You need to make sure that you know how to have a match, you know how to tell a story, and that you can run those ropes for a very long time. Because you don't wanna be the first one to stop." 


She Does Fasted Cardio


Arianna also does fasted cardio. "Today's work: Hour and a half heavy back workout, 45 mins fasted cardio, finished it off with 3 hours of wrestling training today! Let get it!" she tweeted about one of her workouts.


She Makes No Excuses

Arianna doesn't believe in making excuses. "Second workout of the year. Feeling like my workouts are slowly becoming more comfortable and "normal" again. So excited to keep pushing and to get into the best shape of my life 😍 Here's to NO EXCUSES, just results 💯," she captioned this post.


She Kayaks

In her free time, Arianna enjoys hitting the water and getting in a rowing workout. "What a beautiful and relaxing way to spend a Sunday, on the water with my guy! Life is good," she captioned this video of herself kayaking. 


She Does Yoga

Arianna also does yoga. "Here is a reminder to breathe, ground yourself, and stay focused. We can all have off days, and days where we feel out of control with how things are going- that's normal! ✨ But the real magic is finding clarity in the fog and being the sunshine to your own clouds. ☀️ When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I like to remember all the things I'm grateful for and it works wonders!!!!! The light is always inside, just gotta let it shine. 🌈 Love you guys! Wishing a great day of love and blessings for each and everyone of you," she captioned a post. 


She Does Cardio Boxing

Arianna also does cardio boxing. "Great cardio alternative! Had some fun hitting the pads at @tinyfitnessltd. 🤓Haven't boxed in years since we had the MissFits at battle arts but it felt good to throw some nice easy combos with my dad," she captioned an Instagram post. "This video was taken after an hour and a half of arms, and 3 rounds of pad work! So, here is your reminder to stay open minded and try new things!"

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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