Carré Otis in Bathing Suit is "Slowing it All Down"

Carré Otis is slowing it down in her swimsuit. The supermodel shows off her gorgeous body in a bathing suit while vacationing in Costa Rica in one of her latest social media posts, encouraging her followers to rest. "Slowing it all down a beat on this Thursday," she started the Instagram post. "Retreating into the expanse of stillness. Setting intentions of presence, patience and love. Planting seeds in this moment for all that will come to fruition in harmony and for the highest good. Accepting what is and letting go of old stories that no longer serve. Casting that baggage into the vast ocean that has the power to carry it away, bringing forth new waters in its inflowing tide. New Moon blessings from the seashores of compassion." How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 6 ways Carré Otis stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
She Used to Lie About Her Diet and Exericse

In an article for Australia's Herald Sun entitled "The Truth About Modeling: What I Wish I'd Said To My Fans," Carré confessed to lying about her approach to health when she was younger. "Whenever asked about my diet/workout, I would cite a healthy routine, the kind touted in women's magazines. 'Jazzercise three times a week and light weights,' I'd say. The heavily guarded truth was that I exercised a minimum of two hours a day, seven days a week. On days when I wasn't working, I did double duty, going to the gym twice in one day. I said I ate oatmeal for breakfast, chicken and veggies for lunch, and fish and salad for dinner, along with a healthy snack like yoghurt," she wrote. "But in reality, my big diet staple was four to six cups of black coffee per day, avoiding even a splash of skim milk since I was terrified of extra calories. And to stave off hunger, I went through a few packs of cigarettes daily. Cigarettes with coffee gave me an energy boost. And all energy boosts were welcome because my body was perpetually fatigued from little to no sleep, over-exercised muscles, starvation and the relentless stream of criticisms inside my own head."
She Is "Healthier" and "Happier" When She Is a Bigger Clothing Size

Carré is living proof that being a smaller clothing size doesn't mean you will be happier. "I think most women at my caliber of work would rather be out of work than be a size 12 publicly. The fact remains that at a size 12, people are appalled and people are floored and that's what's insane. At a size 8 one editor — I won't mention names — called up my agent and told them I was too fat to run the pictures. And I've never been healthier or happier," she told the New York Times in 2001.
She Uses Food as Fuel

Carré loves food. "I am 100% recovered from decades of a series of eating disorders. Food is sacred. It fuels us. I am fortunate," she told Ageist about her healthy approach to eating.
She Meditates

Carré meditates regularly. "It began when I returned from Paris. I was introduced to Tibetan Buddhism. And it stuck. Life made sense through the lens of Dharma. My spiritual life is the most important piece that informs all of my life and today I maintain a daily meditation practice and engage in teachings and retreats," she told Ageist.
She Does Yoga

Carré also revealed to Ageist that she loves yoga. There is a laundry list of reasons to do yoga, explains Harvard Health. "Researchers found that people who practiced yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for at least four years, gained less weight during middle adulthood," they said. "People who were overweight actually lost weight. Overall, those who practiced yoga had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) compared with those who did not practice yoga. Researchers attributed this to mindfulness. Mindful eating can lead to a more positive relationship with food and eating."
Here Are Her 5 Tips to Serenity

Carré also revealed her "5 Tips for Serenity" to Ageist.
- Get your feet on the earth.
- Take your shoes off and walk.
- Sit with yourself.
- Breath more.
- Laugh more.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables and, for Goddess sake, UNPLUG! Oh, and lots of hugs!