Daisy Keech in Bathing Suit Says "Europe, I Miss U"

Daisy Keech is reminiscing about her summer vacation…in her swimsuit! The fitness influencer flaunts her fit figure in a pink bathing suit via one of her latest Instagram posts. "Europe, I miss u," she captioned the series of snaps. How does the model keep herself so fit? Read on to see 5 of Daisy Keech's top tips for staying in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
Fuel Up with Protein
Daisy recommends a protein packed diet, which she detailed in a YouTube video. For example, a nutritious breakfast might be banana oat pancakes, which she makes with oats, banana, and protein powder, or avocado toast, with bread, cumin, turmeric salt, butter, avocado, arugula, and blood orange. Or for lunch, two chicken tenders with one cup of rice and veggies. Daisy also gets her protein in by making herself a protein shake. Her recipe? Vegan protein powder, almond milk, bananas, and blueberries. She also tries to swap out sugar with protein. "It helps me with how I feel in the morning," she continued. "I don't wake up sluggish." She said that when she eats sugar at night she doesn't want to wear a crop top in the morning. "I love feeling like I'm in good shape and want to show off my body." She also has a trick for reducing caloric intake. "I eat just a little less, a healthy amount less."
Allow Yourself Cheat Meals
Daisy cheats but in moderation. A few of her favorite indulgences include Cadbury mini eggs, which she describes as being "the best in the world," adding "I'm obsessed with them." She also loves fried bananas.
Mix Up Your Menu
Daisy avoids eating the same thing day after day, week after week. "I'm the type of person who gets super bored, so I have to switch everything up," she explains.
Set Goals
Daisy maintains that goal setting is incredibly helpful. In another YouTube video she explained that she keeps a "to do" list to incorporate her desired "new habits and routines." She journals and manifests first thing in the morning, "like I am walking through it."
Do This Insane Ab Workout
Daisy, who sweats first thing in the morning, swears by her "hourglass abs workout," which she demonstrates on her YouTube channel. In it, she spends 10 minutes focused on the midsection with each minute devoted to a single exercise, starting with basic crunches, then bicycle kicks, jack knives, Russian twists, toe taps, bicycle crunches, scissor kicks, reverse crunches, and ending with butterfly kicks.