1. Walking Every Day
Joseph Okpako/WireImage
Gale makes a point of going walking every day, a habit she started during pandemic lockdowns. “We try to go out for walks and everything, but everyday it’s a battle of the sunlight!” she says. “The summer was so much nicer, we could go on cycle rides, that kind of stuff and it was really nice to be out in the sun. Winter lockdown is just so much harder.”
2. Green Tea For Health
Xavi Torrent/Getty Images
Gale drinks green tea for the health benefits (although she admits the taste is not her favorite). “Green tea is exceptionally high in flavonoids that can help boost your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood clotting,” say the experts at Penn Medicine. “Studies show this type of tea can also help lower blood pressure, triglycerides and total cholesterol.”
3. Face Masks
Ekaterina Bolovtsova via Pexels
Gale swears by using face masks to help keep her complexion healthy and glowing. “The ingredients from a face mask are kept longer in contact with your skin because of the occlusion phenomenon of the mask on your skin,” says Chérie Ditre, MD, Director of the Skin Enhancement Center and Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine at Radnor. “Healthy skin depends much more on how you care for it every day, including sticking to a good cleansing routine and staying hydrated.”
4. She’s a Night Owl
Xavi Torren/Getty Images
Gale and her sister Jess tend to stay up late working, and catch up with sleep in the morning. "Me and Eve are actually night owls. I sleep quite late and then I wake up late, so normally I get up around 10/11 o'clock,” Jess says. "Every day is kind of different. Normally what I'll do is write down everything I need to do the night before, so I've got a list to do. And to be fair, on weekends, we normally give ourselves [time] off."
5. Self-Care Sundays
Gale and sister Jess are both into self-care as a way to benefit their inner and outer health and appearance. “Self-care is very important for mental health,” Jess says. “Me and Eve are very clean people and we’re so into haircare, over anything. I am trying to get into skincare as well, because I won’t lie, I’m not really the person who has a ten-step skincare routine. I find that the more chemicals I put on my skin the worse it gets. I just make sure I take off my make-up and moisturize. I like putting my hair in nice oils.”