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Fitness Trainer Caitlin Turner in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Finding Peace"

Here’s Caitlin Turner’s routine when it comes to staying healthy and fit.

Well-known fitness trainer, Caitlin Turner, is dedicated to her craft, inspiring others to be the best version of themselves. "Finding peace by the river, and closing my eyes to better hear the flow. ๐Ÿ™ @aloyoga," she said on Instagram. Finding ways to stay centered, calm, and focused are just a few of the ways that Caitlin tackles her health and wellness goals.ย 


She takes breaks from social media

She takes a break from social media when needed. "Yesterday was my birthday, but I didn't want to sully it by getting sucked into social media, even for a moment. I give myself the same gift, an IG-free day, every year, and this one was no different. Suffice to say, it was a beautiful technology-free day! That said, you can still wish me a happy belated birthday here," she said on Instagram.ย 


She stretches

She's seen stretching, keeping her body in a good place. In this video on Instagram, she said while stretching her body, "in my "I'd rather be interrupted by my cat than have a perfect video" era. Or is that just living? ๐Ÿˆ @aloyoga Are you as bored with "trending audio" as I am? Or "trending" anything, for that matter? I miss the days when an algorithm wasn't deciding what's coolโ€ฆand I truly mean that in so many different contexts. ๐Ÿ’ฅ"ย 


She tries to stay centered

She works to stay centered and balanced to protect her mental wellbeing. "One thing I've learned is that finding balance, for me, often means experiencing extremes to find my way back to center," she said on Instagram.


She hikes

She's often seen stretching her body in many of her Instagram videos, whether it's to practice certain poses, or stretching after a workout that really challenged her body. "Always stretch after a hike ๐Ÿฅพ@aloyoga," she said on Instagram.


She eats fruit

She eats her fruit, and even grows some of her own. "Come pick fruit with me ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿ‹," she said on Instagram. "It's never too late to become healthier, and an important part of getting there is to eat healthier. Did you know that by eating a rainbow of colors of fruits and vegetables you can protect your health against such diseases as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even poor eyesight? The different colors of fruits and vegetables provide you with powerful antioxidants that can boost your immune system and provide protection," according to the Mayo Clinic.ย 

Jess Kelly
Jess Kelly has nearly a decade of experience covering travel, food, and entertainment. Read more
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