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Ivana Icardi in Bathing Suit is a "Lucky Woman in Paradise"

Here’s how she maintains her physique.

Ivana Icardi is soaking up the beautiful scenery in Mallorca, Spain. Icardi, 27, shared a picture of herself lounging on rocks in a soft pink bathing suit, a sun hat covering her face to protect her from the blazing sun. "Lucky woman in paradise," she captioned the post. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Icardi stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


Weight Training Sessions

Icardi does weight training at the gym. "I enjoy it more and more because we have realized which are the areas that suffer the most from weakness (like my lumbar, trapezius and neck) and as a result of that we have been adjusting weight and choosing the exercises that are best [to] make me stronger," she captioned an Instagram reel. "Watch out there is no weakness! I have legs that withstand everything."


Protein-Packed Salads

Icardi loves fresh salmon with cucumber salad and lemon. "Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids," says the Mayo Clinic. "A type of fat that makes your blood less likely to form clots that may cause heart attacks."


Tea Drinker

Icardi enjoys hot tea for a pick-me-up. "Researchers have found an association between those who drink tea, especially green tea, and a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes," says Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, RD, LRD. "Even small amounts of tea contribute polyphenols (antioxidants), which have been found to enhance health."


Bruschetta Lover


Icardi says she could eat delicious tomato bruschetta for the rest of her life. "Tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, and K," says Ingrid Adams, PhD. "Tomatoes are also a good source of niacin, chromium, and potassium. Vitamin C protects the body from free radicals which destroy the healthy cells in the body. Niacin helps to lower triglyceride, a fat present in our blood."



Icardi practices yoga at home. "When you do yoga, your brain cells develop new connections, and changes occur in brain struc­ture as well as function, resulting in improved cog­nitive skills, such as learning and memory," says Harvard Health. "Yoga strengthens parts of the brain that play a key role in memory, attention, awareness, thought, and language."

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more
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