Actress, makeup maven, and Real Housewives star Lisa Rinna just shared a video with her husband, actor Harry Hamlin. In the video, Rinna and Hamlin are on a motorboat enjoying the water, and Rinna is seen in a black swimsuit. Rinna captioned the video, “Happiness.” Rinna is no stranger to showing off her incredible figure on her social media, and is open about her health and wellness routines. Here are five things Lisa Rinna does to keep her figure—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bikini Photos!
1. She Loves to Dance
Any fans of Rinna know that she loves to dance. Rinna is known for posting videos of her dancing on Instagram, and previously competed on Dancing with the Stars. "Dancing is not just a fun thing to do, it also is a great form of exercise. In my opinion, there is no better workout than dance,” iFit trainer Kelsey Sheahan told “You have to use every essence of your body to do it. Dancing is a full-body workout in the truest sense. It helps improve coordination, memorization, endurance, flexibility, and most importantly, it makes your heart happy,” continues Sheahan. “I guarantee you will see a huge difference in your overall mood, decrease stress levels, and have an extra pep in your step.”
2. She Loves Yoga
Rinna says her favorite exercise is yoga. “Yoga has been my life savior for the 26 years I’ve been practicing now,” she told Us Weekly. Connecticut-based trainer Lindsay Hiebert is also a fan of yoga. “Yoga brings mindfulness to your movement by adding breath work and flexibility,” she says. “I have a really strong practice,” Rinna says about yoga, “It keeps me balanced and sane.”
3. She Does Workouts That She Enjoys, And Tries New Things
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When it comes to exercise, Rinna advises people to find an activity that they enjoy doing, and to try multiple things. “My one piece of advice though is finding more than one form of exercise that you love to do and then mixing it up,” she wrote on her website. "One day do the pilates, and then the next day you play tennis. Maybe you can even incorporate a Friday night salsa dancing class with your girlfriends! You gotta keep it fresh to keep yourself interested.” Rinna herself has tried several different exercises, including Jazzercise, tennis, hiking, and even goat yoga. “I’ve done every workout known to man,” she told OWN.
4. She Believes in a Balanced Diet
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Rinna admits that she tries to balance and vary her diet. “I’m mostly plant-based—but if I do need to eat some meat, I’ll have it,” she says to People. “I don’t like to use the word diet because if I do, I’ll want to eat 10 times more.” Rinna also infamously said on an episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that she enjoys a hot dog “once or twice a year.”
5. She Makes Sure to Workout, But Makes Sure to Take A Break
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Rinna makes sure that she gets in workouts, even when she is on a long vacation. In a post on her website, Rinna says, “When I am traveling, I like to walk. I can walk and walk and walk for miles. Sometimes, I will use the gym in my hotel but if I am in a big city like NYC, I just walk.” However, Rinna does take a break when she takes a short trip. “When I travel for QVC, I don’t work out at all. It just doesn’t fit into the schedule and that’s okay. You can’t put too much pressure on fitting your workout in all the time because sometimes it just can’t happen and you should be okay with that.”