Masaba Gupta, the actress and designer, is honoring Earth Day. She decided to celebrate by posting new photos and videos on Instagram of herself spending time outside. In Gupta’s official post, she walked on the beach, and went for a run in the fog. In the first photo, Gupta wore a black one piece. She captioned the post, “‘Nature is our biggest ally and greatest inspiration’ - David Attenborough. #worldearthday #nature #earthday #throwback" How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Masaba Gupta stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
1. She Doesn’t Diet
Gupta revealed her health and wellness secrets on her Instagram stories. She revealed that she doesn’t believe in dieting. She explained, “A diet shouldn’t be one you can hold only for a short period of time – it should be one you can sustain for life,” adding that working out and following a healthy diet plan go hand in hand, “No workout can fix a bad diet and no activity won’t help a great diet.”
2. She Listens to Her Body
John Phillips/Getty Images
Gupta has PCOD, and she has found the right methods to take care of herself. She revealed on her Instagram stories that she doesn’t take medication, as it negatively affects her weight. “Everything I do is in order to keep my PCOD in control, which for me is directly linked to weight gain. So, in order to break the cycle of putting on weight, taking pills, I prefer to cut out on medicines and keep my weight down. And my PCOD is much milder and I am off the pill.”
3. She Intermittent Fasts
Prodip Guha/Getty Images
Gupta is a fan of intermittent fasting as a way to stay in shape. She writes on her Instagram stories, “I fast for 16 hours at least five days a week. Workout (six days a week) on an empty stomach and then eat always.”
4. She Believes In Balance
Prodip Guha/Getty Images
When it comes to her diet, Gupta says that she believes in a balanced diet. She says on her Instagram stories that she alternates between home-cooked and takeout food. “Eat home-cooked meals as much as you can. If you want a burger, make it at home. But if there’s a food you love from your favourite restaurant, indulge once in a while.”
5. She Does Conditioning Training
Aalok Soni/Getty Images
In a post for World Health Day on Instagram, Gupta shared her workout routine with her followers. She revealed in the caption that she likes to switch up her approach to working out. Currently, she’s focusing on conditioning. “Happy World Health Day! Today ( or any day ) is a good day to start investing in the greatest gift that you’ve been given … your body! Changed my workout a bit,lots of conditioning,drills & the aim is to get my body fat % down this month and really shred with.”