Mira Rajput is is a sunny vibe in her swimsuit. The Youtuber and wife of Shahid Kapoor's shows off her incredible figure in a bathing suit via one of her latest social media posts. Along with a sun emoji she wrote “vibe. So where’s sunny?” and shared the gorgeous series of Instagram photos of herself walking on the beach in a white bathing suit. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 6 ways Mira Rajput stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
1. She Does 9-Day Ayurvedic Cleanses
Prodip Guha/Getty Images
Mira swears by the Ayurvedic way of life and encourages 9-day fast for seasonal cleansing. According to the influencers, it helps her feel fitter, healthier, and stronger and ensures her body’s “battery backup is completely juiced up.”
2. She Starts Her Day with Breathwork
Mira starts her day with breathwork. “12 rounds of Anulom Vilom: it’s like 3 espresso shots but without the jitters. Gets you mentally ready for the day, calm, rejuvenated and a wake up for the brain!” she revealed in an Instagram post.
3. She Also Drinks Raisin and Saffron Water
Prodip Guha/Getty Images
In the same post she revealed that she also starts the day with an interesting beverage. “Drink raisin+ saffron water,” she wrote. “A practise for every woman, and I’ve been doing this for the last 3 years. I soak 5 raisins and a strand of saffron every night in 1/4 cup of water and drink(or eat) it first thing in the morning. It helps with hormonal balancing, pain-free periods, acne and PMS. I’ve felt the difference myself. Drink your warm water or whatever you prefer after.”
4. She Does HIIT Workouts
After only doing cardio and pilates for years, Mira added HIIT workouts to her routine. “It was last year that I started noticing hair loss and fluctuating vitamin levels. I had to become more responsible about my body after two pregnancies,” she told Vogue India.
5. She Does Yoga
Mira also does yoga. “A bit of a stretch,” she captioned a recent post. “I had a great class of deep stretching, hip openers and thoracic twists while my yoga buddy and apparent yoga expert stretched his fingers on WhatsApp.. So I pulled him on the mat for a Pranayama series at the end. The Bhramari Pranayama is one of my favourites; it’s calming, invigorating and great as a part of the entire series that for me included Surya Nadi breathing and Bhastrika. Clearly, he needs it more than me. Also, my half lotus is better than yours.”
6. She Exercises for Mental Health
“For me, fitness is important in all aspects – mind, body, and soul. It is a combination of working out, going for a walk, playing with kids, meditation, yoga. All of these things I think make you physically and mentally fit and sound,” Mira said about her approach to fitness in an Instagram post.