Saniya Iyappan is enjoying a magical trip to Thailand. Iyappan shared a picture of herself wearing a green bathing suit and white overshirt, posing against a lush green background. “The beauty of nature,” one fan commented. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Iyappan stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
1. Weights
Iyappan lifts weights as part of her strength training workout regimen. “Such exercises also improve glucose metabolism, enhance maintenance of healthy body weight, and help improve cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure,” says I-Min Lee, professor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “All these factors lead to lower risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, which lowers mortality risk.”
2. Yoga
Iyappan never skips her yoga sessions. “Whether you’re a couch potato or a professional athlete, size and fitness levels do not matter because there are modifications for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style,” says Natalie Nevins, DO. “The idea is to explore your limits, not strive for some pretzel-like perfection. It is a great way to get in tune with your body and your inner self.”
3. Warm Water and Eggs
Iyappan starts the day with cups of warm water, followed by eggs and fruit for breakfast. “Eggs are a good source of protein (both whites/yolk). They also contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats and are a great source of important nutrients, such as vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D,” says Kurt Hong, MD, an internal medicine specialist at Keck Medicine of USC.
4. Protein-Heavy Meals
Iyappan enjoys meals that focus on protein and are light on starches such as rice. “It is important for individuals to consume protein every day,” says Nancy Waldeck, chef and dietitian at Thomas F. Chapman Family Cancer Wellness at Piedmont Health. “Daily protein intake plays a role in keeping your cells in good shape and should be part of your daily health maintenance plan.”
5. World Traveler
Iyappan loves to travel around the world. “Traveling for pleasure can contribute to subjective well-being because people have more opportunities to detach from their work environment, to experience new things, and to control what they want to do during vacations,” says Paul Simeone, PhD, Vice President and Medical Director of Behavioral Health with Lee Health. “There’s ample research to support that positive travel experiences can make a person healthier, can strengthen their relationships, and benefits their overall wellness.”