Shamita Shetty is pumping iron in her workout gear. In a new social media post the Indian actress and interior designer shows off her amazing body in a two-piece exercise set during an at-home sweat session. “Set goals . Stay quiet about em. Smash the s**t out of em. Clap for your damn self . Repeat 💪,” she captioned the Instagram Reel. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
1. History of Dieting
Shamita used to go on drastic, unhealthy diets to lose weight. “My fitness journey started from Mohabbatein. At that time, when I left college, I remember I used to go on these weird diets. Back then, I just wanted to lose weight but had no idea about the correct way of dieting or healthy eating. It took me time to understand what works for my body… You don’t just look good because of workouts, you also feel much better,” she told Indian Express.
2. Warm Water in the Morning
“I start my day with two glasses of warm water because I feel it really gets the organs started for the day ahead. It helps cleanse. Then I have a fruit, and my black tea or coffee,” she told Indian Express.
3. Gluten-Free Diet
Shamita eats gluten-free food as she suffers from irritable bowel syndrome and colitis (inflammation of the large intestine). Her diet “has definitely helped my medical issue,” she says. “I was in constant pain. After trying this, I have realised it works for my intestines because they say wheat is difficult to digest for the body.”
4. Here Is What She Eats in a Day
Shamita detailed her diet to Bollywood Hungama. “My breakfast is mostly gluten-free bread and maybe a boiled egg—that's my standard," said. "As soon as I wake up in the morning, I have two warm glasses of water, post which I have my three walnuts, six almonds, fig and my tea – that's like the first thing I have. Post which, I have my breakfast and sometimes I even have Poha maybe from red rice." Her lunch “is basically gluten-free roti, quinoa, or I will have brown or red rice either with some protein like fish, chicken, egg, or vegetables with a little bit moong or masoor dal," she continued. "Sometimes, I also have gluten-free pasta, rice noodles with vegetables. Whatever food I eat, I try and keep it gluten-free. I don't eat wheat, rice is something that I eat. Whether it is noodles, I would prefer noodles made from rice."
5. Reinventing Her Workouts
Shamita stresses the importance of designing a workout plan around your body. “Everyone has a different body type. It’s not necessary that what works for me would work for you, too. As I got older, I started realising that whatever I was doing before was not working for my body any more. I had to reinvent my workout. I also got bored of the same type of workout, and the body also stops reacting. It is when you shock the body and introduce a new kind of workout, or introduce a new type of diet, you see a change in your body,” she added.