1. Training Every Day
Bomba makes a point of getting exercise every day. “I train every day. On Tuesdays we go to the swimming pool with [daughter] Tosia, on Wednesdays we go to the dance, on Thursdays we go to the playground, etc,” she says. “I exercise every day.”
2. Working Out First Thing
Bomba likes to get her workout out of the way first thing in the morning. “Morning workouts help reduce the possibility for obstacles to present themselves,” says Jasmin Theard, ACSM HFS, an exercise physiologist at Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center. “There is also less opportunity to make excuses. When you get up and exercise, you establish a healthier mindset, which makes you more mindful of what you eat during the day."
3. She’s Done the Keto Diet
Bomba says following a ketogenic diet helped her lose weight. “When I said I was on a ketogenic diet, I got a [lot of] buzz,” she says. “However, it serves me well, I don't have stomach problems, I fit into such a nice dress and I feel good.”
4. Skiing Trips
Bomba loves skiing with her family. “We never went skiing as a child even though I always wanted to,” she captioned an Instagram post. “My parents just didn't like it. Most of my friends from school usually spent their holidays skiing. Today I am a mom and tears of emotion flowed down my cheek when Tosia (3 years old) put on skis for the first time and went down the slope.”
5. Moving Throughout the Day
Even when Bomba is not actively training at the gym, she makes a point to move every day. “I just try to stick to my diet and do it intensively,” she says. “I use every possible opportunity to move. I give Tosia a bicycle and then I run after her. I believe that any move is better than none. So if I get a chance to practice with Mel B in front of the TV, I do it.”