The One Trick to Lose Weight, Says Celebrity Trainer Harley Pasternak

Harley Pasternak is responsible for some of the hottest bodies in Hollywood. Over the years his celebrity client roster reads like the guest list of a major awards show—Eva Mendes, Jessica Simpson, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Megan Fox, Ariana Grande, Halle Berry included. The trainer-to-the stars recently spoke with Celebwell about how he helps the hottest bodies in the business shape up. And, he also revealed the one trick that can help almost anyone lose weight. Read on to find out Harley Pasternak's one trick to lose weight and learn about a few more of his get-fit tips—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
Avoid Added Sugar

Pasternak maintains that one major way to shape up is by ditching added sugar from your diet. "Americans consume exponentially more sugar than they should. By reducing sugar in your diet, you will be reaping metabolic, endocrine, and neurological benefits," he said, calling sugar the number one greatest challenge to losing weight. "When choosing fruit, focus mainly on low sugar, high fiber fruit, like blackberries and raspberries. Beware of sugar-rich sauces and condiments. With milk, avoid alternative milks that are loaded with countless ingredients and sweeteners, and stick to the real thing," he says, adding that he uses Maple Hill 100% grass-fed organic milk and plain Greek yogurt in his smoothies. "Avoid sugary beverages and stick to water and non-caloric flavored beverages."
Walk More

Another one of his top tips for celebrity clients trying to get into shape? "Walk more," he says. Take it from his client Jessica Simpson, who maintains walking 14,000 steps a day was an integral part of her 100-pound weight loss.
Try His Body Reset Diet

While there is no one eating plan that works for all people, all the time, many of Pasternak's clients use the Body Reset Diet, "to jumpstart a healthy eating lifestyle, create structure and healthy habits that they can use ongoing." The 15-day plan involves drinking a lot of nutrient-packed smoothies in the first five days, and then consuming nutritious meals for the remaining ten. Processed and refined foods, sugar, and anything fried are all off limits.
Make Time for Exercise

Pasternak notes that lack of time is the number one excuse people give for not being more physically active. "But it's easy to multitask and add more walking into your day," he says. "I like to do my phone calls and text while I'm moving my feet. I also try to socialize with a friendly walk. As far as resistance exercise goes, as little as 10 minutes per day is really all you need. In fact I did a whole workout video series on ALO moves based on 10 minute workouts." Bottom line: If his celebrity clients can make time for exercise with their busy schedules, so can you!
Skip Sedentary Activities

Finally, Pasternak warns against maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. "Today we are more sedentary than ever due to innovations with technology. Getting up out of your chair and hitting more steps per day is essential and creates the foundation of fitness," he says.