Porsha Williams is kicking off her “#ActBadSummer2023” – in her swimsuit. The Real Housewives star shows off her amazing body in a red hot bathing suit in one of her latest social media posts. “Vacay Mode,” she captioned the Instagram snaps taken while in Miami. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 7 ways Porsha Williams stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos
1. She Doesn’t Diet
Porsha’s approach to eating is all about moderation. "For my diet, I really am not on anything strict to be honest. I just do what makes sense. If I’m craving a hamburger, I’ll have a hamburger. But then the next day I’ll make sure that I have a salad, a lot of water, and a good mix of vegetables. Same goes for something like pizza, if I want it I’ll have it, but then the next day I’ll make sure it is filled with healthy habits," she told Glamour.
2. She Tries to Eat As Plant-Based As Possible
Porsha maintains that going vegan-ish helped her drop 10 pounds. "My big news in my house is that I am a born-again vegan. Baby vegan, to be exact,” she shared in 2020. "Baby vegan is basically a vegan that is completely plant-based, so I'm about 99.9 percent vegan. Meaning if the Lord say, 'Today you can have that cheese on that salad,' then I am not going to pick it off because that would be against what the Lord wants for me."
3. She Does Intermittent Fasting
Paras Griffin/Getty Images
Porsha dabbles in time-restricted eating. "I also do intermittent fasting at times, which is where you only eat between a certain set of hours then fast the rest of the day,” she told Glamour. “When I do it, I’ll typically limit my eating window to about six hours."
4. She Makes Her Workouts Count
Porsha puts in a lot of sweat time at the gym. For six years she has trained with Darrell Patterson. Sometimes they box together and others, strength or weight training. However, one exercise she never avoids? “I never skip abs. For some crazy reason I actually enjoy them. I can do a countless number, it’s like I have that natural strength. But since I had a baby, that’s been my main focus area,” she told Glamour.
5. She Does Cardio
"I had no choice but to put my treadmill in my bedroom," Porsha revealed to Glamour about how she prioritizes cardio. "So now I see it when I wake up, and I get right into doing about forty minutes on an incline at a 4.0 pace." She claims to get on the machine “at least four days a week and I get with a trainer once a week."
6. She Has Struggled with Body Insecurity Her Whole Life
Aaron J. Thornton/WireImage
In a lengthy essay for Women’s Health, Porsha detailed her lifelong struggle with body confidence issues. Even though she still has bad thoughts, “I fight those thoughts by loving the skin I'm in and practicing body positivity as much as I can,” she said. “Since giving birth to my daughter, I really try to not edit the pictures I post online unless it’s a paid ad post or a photoshoot. I just deal with the comments. I have learned that I am worthy and valuable—no matter what my body looks like—and I want my daughter to inherit that love of self.”
7. She Practices Self-Care
Porsha maintains that self-care helps her cope. “To prevent or deal with the stress of any negative thoughts, I try to practice lots of self-care. In fact, I make sure to pencil it in to my schedule. So whether it's space and time for me to do some yoga, meditate, steam my face, or just sit in my bathtub, I make sure I have the pockets of peace I need to help me maintain my mental health,” she wrote.