1. Home Cooking
Minkoff loves cooking for her friends and family. “We sit at the dining table probably three nights a week,” she told Romper. “We have a lot of friends over all the time, so it’s like a revolving door. I tend to have something on the stove. I try to keep it healthy for the kids and balanced. I usually make some kind of fish and veggies. I do a lot of roast chicken. I make a lot of dumplings, too. My kids eat dumplings at least twice a week. I’ll make about 300 once a month and I stick them in the freezer and then that’s a go-to food for us.”
2. Keeping It Real
Minkoff is proud of her time on the Bravo show. “My hurdle is my Asian upbringing, where we’re not encouraged to talk about our life at all,” she told Represent Asian Project. “My kids don’t watch the show. One day they will turn on the TV and see it, but [currently] I will not let them watch the show. At the same time, I will not ever act in a way that I feel will challenge my own integrity. I just won’t. It’s not my personality. So I always feel pretty comfortable with how I act on camera because it’s how I act in real life, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t mindful of how I’m perceived and what my kids might see one day. But so far, so good.”
3. Food As Love
Minkoff is passionate about the way food brings people together. “I think it’s the first step to understanding people, because it’s a universal language,” she told Romper. “Everybody needs to eat. On the show, I was like how are they gonna get to know me? So, I did a dumpling-making party my first season and it was like, this is who I am. I didn’t want to have a fancy party. I was like, we’re going to sit in my kitchen, you’re gonna put on aprons and make your own dumplings, you’re gonna fry them on my stove. [I wanted to] show them what it looks like on a regular Sunday afternoon at my house.”
4. Healthy Body, Healthy Life
Minkoff is determined to show her children what a healthy body image looks like. “When I met my husband, I was 20 years old and so I was still very much [dealing with] my food stuff,” she told Represent Asian Project. “He and I would talk about if we got married and had kids how we would approach the topic of food with them because I had so much history with it. We have always been very forthcoming [with our kids], and pushed this narrative of a healthy body. It was already hard enough how I grew up with magazines, and now [kids] have social media, which is all about your body.”
5. Chinese-Jewish Culture
Minkoff is proud to be raising her children in a hybrid Chinese-Jewish culture. “I’m first generation, but I felt like I grew up in a very Chinese environment,” she told Romper. “But my kids, you know, it gets diluted, right? So I’m like, are they going to hold on to our culture? I am so lucky because Rob [Minkoff], my husband, loves Chinese culture, and I obviously love Jewish culture so it’s been very easy for them to experience both, and have that ingrained into their life.”