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Soccer Star Lucy Bronze In Workout Gear Shares "Some Favs Recently"

She’s moving to Chelsea FC.

Professional soccer player Lucy Bronze is on the move—she recently announced her transfer from Barcelona to Chelsea FC, where she will stay for at least two years. Bronze, 32, shared some highlights of life recently, including a sweet picture of herself wearing shorts and a white sports bra, holding a pan of shrimp paella. "Some favs recently 😍 🥘 🐶 👦🏼 ✈️," she captioned the post. Here's how the athlete and Lioness trains, eats, and stays full of energy.


Mediterranean Diet

Bronze's father is Portuguese, so she grew up eating a Mediterranean diet. "I've always been brought up with a Mediterranean diet with lots of fish, oils, and I've always enjoyed healthy salads from a young age," she told The Telegraph. "Even from a young age, I've been very aware of eating the right things and taking the right supplements."


Training Routine

Bronze gets Mondays and Thursday off. "On Tuesdays, I have to be at the training ground for 8:30am, we have breakfast with the team, see the physio, foam roll, stretch etc, then preactivation session for 15 minutes before we go out for training," she told Strength and Conditioning Education. "I train for 1-2hours, then back in for lunch, then a weights session in the afternoon. Wednesday we do the same but finish at lunch, no weights session. Thursday is the same as Tuesday, Friday is the same at Wednesday. Saturday in for 10:30, train for an hour, lunch and home. Sunday is game day."


Typical Lunch


Bronze loves seafood for a healthy protein. "The team eats lunch at the academy where we train, so we eat well," she told BBC Good Food. "I normally eat Thai fishcakes then fill my plate up with salad – lettuce, beetroot, sweet corn, cucumber, tomatoes, red onions, basically anything you can think of that is in the salad bowl. If it's been a hard session, I'll eat a few roast potatoes. I tend to snack on pineapple, watermelon and grapes."


Travel Dreams

Bronze wants to travel the world. "When it comes to my free time, I want to explore the world times over," she told Soccer Bible. "I love finding and seeing new places, trying different foods – I eat everything. I love the sunshine, the snow, I love it all and I have since I was younger. Being brought up in a multilingual family with my mum and dad being from such different cultures, they've always encouraged us to try new things and I've always enjoyed that process."


Tracksuits Forever

Bronze is happiest wearing a nice tracksuit. "I remember having a conversation with one of my best friends, Demi Stokes, who plays as well," she told Women's Health. "We always used to wear tracksuits, just because it was easy. We used to be like, 'What are we going to do when we're in our 30s and we're mums, we can't still be wearing tracksuits!' But she's a mum and we're both in our 30s and we're still wearing tracksuits."

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