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Wrestling Star Torrie Wilson in Two-Piece Golf Outfit Says "Still At It"

She is 48 and looking fantastic. 

Wrestling star Torrie Wilson is adding golf to the list of sports she excels at. Wilson, 48, shared a video of herself playing golf in a white skirt and matching crop top, showing off her impressive form while swinging a club. "Still at it," she captioned the post. Wilson is one of the most well-known female former professional wrestlers, and keeps up her training even though she no longer competes. Here's how she does it.


Building Muscle

Wilson's workout is based—of course—on building muscle. "I'm somewhat obsessed with stairs," she tells Women Fitness. "Doing them is like meditation for me and more for my head than for my body. I like to do 30-40 minutes almost everyday and add in my own made-up circuit with weights for 25-30 minutes on most days. [For] legs: Walking lunges, jump squats, stairs. [For] abs: Heavy weighted seated machine crunches, wood chops (any variation), rope pull downs."


Portion Control


Wilson likes to eat the same foods during the week, then relaxing on the weekends. "I eat the same breakfast almost all the time," she tells Women Fitness. "Two eggs on toast with coconut butter spread. Sometimes I get crazy and add turkey bacon. I have found it's the perfect amount for me to start my day with and gives me good energy. I try to eat every 3-4 hours and dinner is usually around 7:30. I am always hungry and it's always different. I would say the dinner I have most often is chicken tacos. I make yummy ones. Weekends I often end up eating out. I find it's really easy to eat healthy while out these days as long as you know the things to watch out for but I do not count every morsel that goes into my mouth and feel that once you get to a place you are happy at and workout as hard as I do, counting calories becomes unnecessary. It's more about portion control and eating healthy 80% of the time."


Power Walking

Wilson is a big advocate for the simple yet highly effective exercise of power walking. "Several studies have shown that exercise — even brisk walks — have many benefits including positive effects on cholesterol levels, decreased levels of markers of inflammation, and decreased blood pressure," Jeremy Jones, PA-C, tells One Medical. "Studies also suggest that regular exercise may improve type 2 diabetes, risk of heart disease and stroke, and prevent osteoporosis as well as some cancers."


Ab Workouts

Wilson says working out just one hour a day can transform your body. "Abs are NOT just made in the kitchen," she captioned an Instagram post. "I don't care what anyone says, my personal experience has shown me that they are heavily made in your workouts. Yes, a healthy diet is important, but when you workout like you mean business (an hour a day is plenty!) – you can actually EAT. Yes, carbs included. The trick here is that ONLY YOU really know how much you are truly giving to those workouts. Don't cheat yourself."


Freedom In Her 40s

Wilson says her secret to looking ageless at 48 is "exercise, getting enough sleep and probably not having kids," she tells Muscle and Health. "I'm not afraid of Botox and skin peels. People might say that's self-absorbed, but it makes me feel better, like having hair extensions and not being pasty white. Those are the little tweaks that make me feel better mentally. The world sometimes sends mixed messages, like there's a fine line between being too overly self-absorbed, but I think I have a good balance… I had different relationships that didn't pan out, but I consider them incredible life lessons in self-love. They led to me meeting and appreciating the guy I am with now. The older I get, I still don't have that burning desire to have children. I haven't closed the door. I've had my eggs frozen, just in case."

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more
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