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Anusha Dandekar in Bathing Suit Says "Happy Women's Day"

Here’s how she stays fit.

Model and TV host Anusha Dandekar, best known for MTV and shows like Supermodel of the Year, was one of many celebrities who posted on Instagram for International Women's Day, and she called it "her most special." In her photo, Dandekar lounged by the beach in a white bathing suit, looking stunning. She captioned the post, "Happy Woman's day to all of you Beauties!" How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Anusha Dandekar stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


She's Coming Into Her Own

In her Women's Day Instagram post, Dandekar opened up about her journey with herself. She revealed that she feels like she has come into her own in the past few years. "I really feel like I'm coming into my own. Calmer (sometimes, unless you are really close to me then not yet haha) more sure of who I am, less people pleasing and more self loving. Stronger, happier and basically my fearless younger self with much more knowledge."


She Boxes

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Dandekar began taking boxing classes in 2018, and has been doing them ever since. She posted this video on Instagram that year, of herself doing boxing workouts with a trainer. She captioned the video, "I literally feel like being an athlete would have been a better calling for me, it gives me life! I'm not a gym person AT ALL! Everyone asks me what I do to stay fit, truth is my body has been so good to me, I need to start some kind of permanent exercise to keep my strength and stamina alive, which I've always had without doing much! But you can't take blessings for granted! This is my 5th class and I've never done boxing before… It's pure magic! Loving MMA with this incredible super woman, trust me I'd give her a cape for sure! @kamli_gurung." 


She Does Pilates

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Dandekar is a big fan of practicing Pilates. She posted this video on her YouTube channel of herself working out with her Pilates trainer, Namrata Purohit. The two went through the special Pilates routine Purohit designed for Dandekar, which includes them doing shell stretches, hip rolls, and ab-preps. According to a study from Allied Academies, Pilates has a lot of benefits for your body. "The results of this pilot study suggest pilates exercises as an effective method to improve respiratory muscle strength, physical capacity, mobility and quality of life."


She Embraces Aging

Women in the public eye unfortunately deal with a lot of scrutiny, especially when it comes to aging. This has led to women wanting to run from getting older. However, in her Women's Day post, Dandekar talked about her approach to aging, mainly that she is embracing it and loves it. She wrote, "People think the worst insult is to call me old, I am older and I love being who I am and looking and feeling how I do!" 


She Wants To Inspire Others

In addition to being gorgeous, Dandekar wants to give back. She wrote in her Women's Day Instagram post that she wants to inspire others and help support causes, like animals and the environment, which are important to her. "The most incredible and constant compliment I get is that I inspire You, it's huge to know and feel that I can help someone someway… oh and may we always help animals always. That's just my thoughts today."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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