Anushka Sharma, star of Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and PK, is taking photos of herself in her swimsuit! The Indian actress flaunts her incredible figure via her latest social media post, also showing off her skills behind the camera. “The result of taking your own photos,” she captioned the Instagram snaps, taken via a timer as she stood on the beach. How does the 34-year-old maintain her fit physique? Read on to see 5 Anushka Sharma stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
1. She Exercises for Beauty Benefits
Anushka breaks a sweat not only to stay in shape, but to maintain her beauty. “It's important to exercise not just to be healthy and fit but it even reflects on your skin and hair. I am very particular about my workouts and try not to miss it even when I'm shooting," she told Vogue India.
2. She Has a Workout Buddy
Sharma often works out with her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli. A workout buddy can be a great motivator if you are struggling to stay focused. “When you are about to go to workout, you might feel that you aren’t feeling like doing so but you have to push yourself. So, we are trying to do that because there is obviously a lot of time in hand and we are just trying to do things which will just keep us physically feeling good, immunity high and also mentally feeling better (sic),” she said in an interview with her husband during the pandemic.
3. Her Diet Is Healthy
You won’t find Anushka on an extreme diet. “I think Virat and me are people who don’t believe in diets and we just have a lifestyle which is very healthy. We have always been like that,” she said during the same interview. “There are certain things we don’t eat because they are not good for you. We try to eat food which is alkaline so it’s kind of easy on the stomach and keeps you healthy because if your body is alkaline your immunity is good and that’s something that we have always followed.”
4. She Does Pilates
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Anushka loves pilates. Her trainer, Megha Kawale, revealed during an interview to build up strength. “When we started our journey with Pilates together, it was to take care of her sensitive lower back and build a strong core. So our focus was always the core and our aim was to elevate her fitness levels further," Kawale told Vogue. "Initially, we did a lot of isolated core work as I wanted to ensure that we don’t stress her back, while working on core activation and recruitment. Then gradually we starting mixing the routines in the reformer and chair by doing combination core exercises.”
5. She Is Consistent
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Consistency is key when it comes to working out, per Sharma. “Just working out, more than anything else, it’s giving me a routine, it’s giving Virat a routine," she said during the interview. Aside from pilates, she loves weight training, yoga, and running.