Lily James in Bathing Suit is "Fruity"

Lily James is looking "fruity" in her swimsuit. The actress shows off her amazing body in a peach-hued bathing suit in one of her latest social media posts, an Instagram comparing her sunny style to fruit. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 7 of Lily James' top diet and fitness tips for staying in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!
Train Hard

Lily takes training seriously. To get into Baywatch babe shape for Pam and Tommy, she trained like it was her job, doing lots of running and boxing. "I worked with this amazing trainer, Matt Bevan, who worked with Daisy Ridley as well. He worked me so hard and I got really fit," she tells Entertainment Weekly. "He would make me do all my work and reading my script on a running machine," she says "And I did boxing with a really cool guy in LA, which I loved too, being physically strong like I could literally beat someone up," she continued. "I felt really athletic, which I hadn't done for a long time and there was great confidence that came from that… I feel less self-conscious on a beach now. It was really wonderful to feel like that, to feel so in my own body."
Lift Weights

To prep for her 2012 role in Fast Girls, playing athlete Lisa Temple, Lily did a lot of weight lifting. "It was very intense – we had about six weeks of training before the film even started," she tells Cosmopolitan UK. "We trained five times a week; running, circuits, weights, working out in the gym, and on the track. It was an insane time." She added: "When I first had to lift weights, do squats and run for ten minutes I was knackered and wanted to be sick."
Sweat in the Morning
Lily like to rise and exercise. "I have found that starting my day with exercise is the key. When I work out regularly, I immediately feel the benefits. It's exciting to be empowered by that, and it turns into a domino effect. Naturally, I start eating better and stop drinking so much wine. Then I feel more energised in the morning to work out again," she tells Shape.
Do a Lot of Crunches

"I got really obsessed with sit-ups! Whenever the Director shouted 'cut!' I was there on the floor pounding them out," Lily told Cosmo about Fast Girls. "We had to do like 600 different types of sit-ups a day so my stomach changed the most, you just end up looking healthier and stronger."
Follow a Diet

Lily has no problem following a diet. "On top of the fitness and the health, we also had a diet plan we had to follow which involved eating between five and six meals a day that were really high in protein, so that meant lots of protein shakes, fish, chicken and no cheating," she tells Cosmo about Fast Girls.
Mix Up Your Workouts

Lily has to "make exercising fun; otherwise I would lose interest," she confessed to Shape. "I switched up my normal yoga and Pilates for daily dance classes. Early on, I learned this fun dance routine and couldn't stop doing it. The next day, my neighbour called saying, 'Oh my God, Lily, you played that song for three and a half hours. Finding that fun is the main thing for me now. I know I have to stay fit, and I know working out is good for me. But when it actually makes me feel better, rather than just something I'm forcing myself to do, it's such a difference."