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Meagan Good in Bathing Suit is "All Heart"

Here’s how she stays fit. 

Meagan Good, star of Shazam!, is one of the most stunning actresses in Hollywood. She seemingly hasn't aged since her role in the 2007 film Stomp The Yard. Good just posted a stunning new set of photos on her Instagram. In it, she posed poolside, with the wind in her hair. Good modeled a purple swimsuit and cover-up from MATTE Collection. Good captioned the post with a matching purple heart. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Meagan Good stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!


She Screens For Cancer

In an interview with Essence, Good revealed that she recently suffered a health scare. Good was told that tissue found in her uterus could turn into cancer. "Both of my grandmothers died from cancer, and my grandfather died from cancer, [and] my aunt just had a mastectomy," she said. "It just was terrifying to think, this is how it happens. One second you're fine, the next second you're hearing things like this and you don't know what's going to happen." Good is now encouraging others to get checked out regularly. "Having routine checkups, whether you think there could be something wrong or you don't think anything's wrong at all, is the only way to really spot these things and to know the difference," she says.


She Strength Trains

Good posts a lot of workout videos on her Instagram, letting her followers know how she stays in shape. One type of workout that she likes to do is strength training exercises. Good posted this video on Instagram of herself doing different exercises, including TRX-inspired pull-ups, lateral pulldowns, and shoulder presses. She captioned the video, "Your goals don't care if you're tired. Let's go!"


She Combines Cardio And Leg Exercises

Marcus Ingram/Getty Images

Good likes to do cardio and leg workouts to help her stay in shape. Sometimes both at the same time. She posted this video on Instagram of herself doing lunges while on the treadmill. She captioned the video, "Happy Sunday kids!"


She Makes Wellness A Priority

Steve Granitz/FilmMagic

For Good, she makes wellness and taking care of herself a main priority each day. She says that she likes to start this process almost ten years ago, and likes to start first thing in the morning. "I started to realize in my early 30s that I needed to make sure I was taking care of myself and setting my intention for every day, for my mental health and my well-being," she tells SELF.


She Uses Simple Products On Her Skin And Body

Momodu Mansaray/WireImage

Good has incredible skin, and she broke down her skincare routine to SELF. She says that she's careful which products she uses on her skin each day, and likes to use ones that have simple ingredients. "I'm pretty basic on the body washes because for some reason, when I use body wash that has moisturizer in it, I don't feel as if I've really gotten 'the day' off. I use Dial soap, and then I'll use exfoliating hand gloves. I'm obsessed with them. Then I'll wash my face. I'll either use the tea tree oil cleanser from Trader Joe's, or I'll use Cetaphil, because Cetaphil doesn't really have a lot of stuff in it. It's tried-and-true, and every dermatologist will say that it's one of the best things you can use that won't strip your skin."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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